The settlement is located in the heart of Israel, where
Abraham, Issac and Jacob once walked. “Tapuach” is
the original Biblical name of the region, the territory
and inheritance of the tribe of Effriam, only a few
kilometers from Joseh’s tomb. It is situated over a
major crossroads, one that diverges to all directions
of the country, and the only one of its kind in Samaria.
From this junction runs Road 60 to Jerusalem, Highway
5 to Tel Aviv, and immediate access to the Jordan Valley
and Mountain ridge settlements. Due to the centrality
of the location, Kfar Tapuach strives to be a cultural
and spiritual center for the neighboring Samarian and
Binyamin settlements. Over recent years this vision has
become a reality, with the initiating of Torah seminars for
men and women and many other cultural activities for the
surrounding settlements.